Thursday, July 5, 2012

Finally some rain!

Today has been one of the best days at the cabin because I've done a whole lot of nothing! This morning after breakfast, everyone but Mylissa, and me went into West Yellowstone. Sweet Mom and Dad bought everyone "Yellowstone" t-shirts. The kids LOVE picking out their shirts. This year Matt, and the boys got matching shirts. The shirt says "don't feed the bears" with a bear claw scratch across the shirt. It's really cool. Then they went to lunch at Gushers for pizza and of course had to stop by Dairy Queen afterwards for dessert. I think Mylissa and I got the best deal because it was so nice and quiet at the cabin. About 30 minutes after everyone left, a big thunderstorm broke and it rained for at least three hours. So Mylissa and I stayed in our pajamas until they came home which was around 5:00. It was heavenly to scrapbook while listening to the rain. We all said that we couldn't go home until it rained because we've never been at the cabin without rain. I was able to get about 10 pages of scrapbooking completed. Caleb was really good to take a long nap so it was extra quiet. When Dad came home he asked "what did you do?" I told Dad "you're looking at it!" I was sitting in a chair, still in my pjs, working on my laptop scrapbooking. How great is that!!! Tonight after dinner, I was feeling a little cooped up so I went for a quick bike ride up Willow creek. It was around 8:15PM and it was probably the most beautiful ride I've ever had up that canyon. There was a mist covering everything, even the mountains. The pine smell was so strong! Everything was beautiful!!!! While I was on my bike ride, everyone played Shantelle's July 4th BINGO. They had such a fun time. Then they made fireflies in glass jars with glow sticks. Then Shan played a joke on us and came out as a glow stick skeleton. We laughed so hard! She is so creative!

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