Thursday, July 19, 2012

Carnival time!

 We've lived in our town for almost 10 years and we've never gone to the carnival during our Steel Days.  Shantelle called me and said that Robby's work had given them a lot of tickets to use at the carnival.  She said that Aliyah would never use all of them so she said the boys could use some.  I meet them during Robby's lunch break.  He basically walked across the street to the carnival.  The kids really had a fun time.  We were surprised that it wasn't very busy.  The kids never had to wait more than a couple of minutes to get on a ride.  Chase and Bridger's favorite ride was the big yellow slide.  They thought the dragon roller coaster was really fun too.

 They went on some really "baby" rides but they never complained.  Chase was a good sport about it.  He could barely fit in some of them.  They went on a car ride and it just went around in circles for what it seemed liked forever!  But the kids enjoyed it.  Now we can say that we've been to the carnival.  It was perfect because we stayed for about an hour and then Chase had to go to swimming lessons.  It was really sweet of the C's to share their tickets.


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