Thursday, May 31, 2012

School's Out!

Earlier in the week Chase received an invitation to a neighbor's party.  It was to celebrate the last day of school.  The invitation was addressed to Chase only.  At the bottom of the invitation it said "please don't bring anyone else."  So when Matt read the invitation to Bridger he said "Well! Apparently I won't be coming."  He says the funniest things.  Where did he get the word "apparently?"  I was feeling all bad for Bridger for not getting invited and I was thinking of just doing something as a family.  But on the day of the party, the little neighbor girl came over and talked to Bridger and said that he was invited too. He came running inside and was so excited that he could go too.  The kids had a blast at the party.  It was a water party with lots of games.  At the end of the party they handed out cans of shaving cream to every child.  You can see that it was a BIG hit!  

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