Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bridger's Spring Soccer

The Red Bulls:  Top Row:  Coach Angie N., Seth, Logan, Ashton, and Bridger. Front row: Makay, Adiene, Faith and Brody
Bridger has had a great soccer season.  He played on the same team as last fall, the Red Bulls.  The N's have been amazing coaches.  I'm impressed that they can teach them so much at such a young age.  They are so patient with the kids.  Bridger is really learning a lot about soccer.  Every day he'll ask me "how many more days until my soccer game?"  He loves Saturdays because they are game days.  We usually go to Bridger's game and then head over to Chase's.  I guess you could call us a soccer family.  
Bridger scoring a goal!

 Bridger has had so much fun playing with some neighborhood friends.  His best friend Brody was on the team. They love to "practice" in the backyard.  He's a great little friend.

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