Thursday, May 3, 2012

Farm Country

Shantelle and I took Bridger and Aliyah to the farm.  We packed a lunch and had a picnic.  It was the perfect afternoon because it wasn't very busy.  We saw lots of baby animals.  We saw baby horses, calves, goats, chicks, and pigs.  The baby goats were my favorite.  They were so tiny.  I love this picture of Bridger and Aliyah.  I love to see them holding hands.  It's so sweet.  Aliyah is going through a silly phase where she won't look at the camera for pictures.  It's pretty funny!  It makes it a little challenging to capture a smile.

The jail house is always a favorite place.  The kids love hiding behind the bars.  Then we went on our wagon ride.  Because it wasn't busy, the driving too the long way.  It was great.  They loved it!

I love hanging out with Shantelle.  I love that we can pack up the kids and do something fun together.  
Another favorite is the pony ride.  Because they weren't busy, the lady let the kids stay on the horses for over 5 minutes.  They loved it!

The kids were too scared to feed the goats at first.  So I had to show them how to feed them.  After watching me, I convinced them to try it.  It was priceless because they didn't like the goats wet tongue on their hands.  Bridger was worried that the goats would bite him.  But they pretty much just lick the food out of your hands.

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