Saturday, March 31, 2012

Let the soccer season begin!

 It must be officially spring because soccer has started back up.  Bridger is on the same NCUS team coached by the wonderful Kirt and Angie.  Chase is still with the Rangers on the Academy and X-leauge team.  Bridger has soccer practices on Mondays and then games on Saturdays.  Chase stays really busy with 2-3 games and a couple of practices every week.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it!  He was so excited to pick out new cleats.  His cleats that he used last fall are too small!  He is growing so fast.  He chose some silver cleats with lime green laces.  They're awesome!!! His coaches have been wonderful too!  We're so grateful for the positive influence they've been in his life.  They're amazing how they coach him in such a positive way.  He's been able to meet a lot of fun boys.  He's excited to be with his team again.  It sure will make the time go by fast.

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