Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bridger's Kindergarten Shots

So this is a picture of Bridger and Jeff A. a PA at our pediatrician office.  He's in our stake and we love him to pieces.  Bridger met with Jeff for his Kindergarten appointment.  He is 44 inches tall and weighs 42 lbs.  His blood pressure was 94/62.  All of his blood work and other tests came back great.  We're so blessed to have such a healthy boy!  Bridger was a little nervous about his kindergarten shots because all of his friends have had theirs and they've talked about it a lot.  Bridger had to have four shots in his little legs and it took 7 seconds.  (The MA's had Bridger count while they gave him the shots.) He held my hands the whole time.  He was so brave!!!!  He was very proud of himself that he didn't cry.  He couldn't wait to go home and tell his friends that he didn't cry.  It was very cute.  At the end of the appointment, Jeff wanted to do a silly picture with Bridger so this is the picture.  Jeff is wonderful!!!!  Bridger loves this picture.  He wanted to save it and put it on his picture board.

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