Thursday, March 1, 2012

Walking to School

 The other day I was watching the boys leave the house and walk off to school.  I became very sentimental and thought that I needed to capture this moment.  I feel like time is moving so quickly and before I know it they will be out of the house.  I realize they won't always be able to walk to school together so I need to soak it up.  I had a neighbor call me the other morning and she wanted me to know how protective Chase is of Bridger.  She told me that she had just dropped off her children at the school and she noticed Bridger and Chase at the cross walk.  The boys got off their bikes and then Chase very protectively stayed right next to Bridger while they crossed and purposely put himself on one side.  When I asked Chase about it, he said that he does that so in case a car hits them, it would hit him first.  They have such a special relationship and I hope that they always stay close.

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