Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

 We met the A's at Maddox on Saturday afternoon.  It was so fun to get together and visit without the kids.  Charlene is such a wonderful example to me.  She is so sweet to everyone around her.  She has such a strong testimony and loves the Lord.  I'm so grateful for Amy, Jess, and Angie.  I love spending time with them.

Matt told me that he would wake up early and make me breakfast before church but I told him that was crazy!  So after church, he and the boys made me french toast with eggs.  Matt makes the best french toast!
I told the boys that I wanted a picture with them after church.  They were sweet to appease me.  I even made Matt jump in and do one picture with us even though he wasn't in his church clothes.  Matt talked in another ward that morning.  He did such a great job!  He has such a gift for public speaking.  At the end of his talk, he talked about Marilyn and what a wonderful influence she's been in our lives.  It made me cry.

Then we opened cards.  Matt was feeling bad that he didn't have any presents for me.  I told him that I had a swing set on back order that I've wanted for so long!  The other present he gave me was lots of plants and trees for our yard.  He had the boys make me cards.  They were so sweet!!  Tanner made me a sweet one in school too.  I love our boys!!! They made me feel so loved!

Then I was able to take a nap before we headed down to the R's for dinner.  Mom fixed a yummy dinner of ham, and cheesy potatoes.  I really enjoyed being my family.  I felt bad because Matt was first call and couldn't come down.  I'm so grateful for the wonderful examples I have in my life of righteous women!

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