Friday, May 31, 2019

Bridger's Eye Injury

Bridger was at an end of the school year party when he injured his eye.  He and another kid were throwing a football back and forth.  He heard someone call him name so he turned and looked to see who it was.  Right as he turned back, the end of the football hit him in his left eye.  His vision in that eye immediately turned black for a few minutes.  He called me and said that he needed me to come and get him because "his eye was filling up with blood."  So Matt ran and got him.  Matt called me and said that he'd taken him to the ER because it was serious. His pupil was an oblong shape instead of an oval.  The PA said that he needed to be admitted as a patient and have a work up done.  After talking to the opthamolgist at Primary's they felt that he could stay up here and follow up with an opthamologist the next morning.  Bridger was diagnosed with a "hyphema" (blood in his iris) and retinal injury.  They prescribed steroids and dilating drops for his eye.  His eye was extremely painful!  

 Matt took Bridger to see the opthamologist the next morning because I had my Little Red bike ride.  He said that retina was still attached and didn't need surgery but things were still very serious.  He said that Bridger needed to be on strict bed rest for a week to help the retina heal.  He had to do steroid and dilating drops four times a day for a week and then just the steriod twice a day for three more weeks and then just once a day for a week.  For the first week, I had to take him into the opthamolgist every couple of days to measure his eye pressures.  Luckily everything has healed really well.  Because of this injury, Bridger will have to have yearly eye exams and it puts him at a higher risk for developing glaucoma and having a retinal detachment.  We feel so blessed that it wasn't worse and that he can still see!!!

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