Monday, May 12, 2014

Tanner 9 Days Old

Tanner is growing like a weed.  He's 9 days old in these pictures.  I can't believe how his little cheeks are chunking out.  He's such a sweet baby.  He really only cries if his diaper needs to be changed, or he's hungry.  He sleeps for about 2-3 hours at night which is good for a newborn. But he definitely likes to sleep longer during the day.  I'm trying to wake him every 2-3 hours during the day.  He's been so pleasant! I tell Matt that he's like a puppy, I just can't walk past him without touching him or picking him up.  I love to hold him.  There are lots of things I should be doing, but I want to just soak this up so I spend lots of time just holding him.  I love the picture with the little scowl on his face.  He's so serious.

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