Monday, May 19, 2014

Great Friends!

My sweet friends, Jen and Tiff came down to see Tanner.  They brought me lunch.  Kip came over and hung out with us.  It was so fun to spend a few hours with them.  They loved meeting Tanner! It meant so much to me that Jen and Tiff would drive all the way down here to see us and spend the afternoon with us.  I felt very loved!  What great friends!!!

Kirk and Amanda stopped by the next week on their way home from southern Utah.   They wanted to stop by on their way home to see Tanner.  It was so fun to visit with them.  I feel bad that I forgot to take some pictures.  Our friends have been so wonderful to us!  Amber and Wendy have sent me lots of texts, checking on me and the baby.  Everyone is so happy that we finally have a baby!  Jen kept saying "I can't believe we have a baby in the group again!!!!"

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