Saturday, May 31, 2014

Bridger's Spring Soccer

Bridger's had a great spring soccer season.  He's on the sam team that he was on this past fall.  They're the "firecrackers."  It's been fun to see Bridger improve with his soccer skills.  They have had practice every Tuesday and Thursday for an hour with their games on Saturday morning.  It's been busy with soccer and baseball but he's loved both.  Coach O has been wonderful with the team.  He is such a great coach.  He makes it so fun for the kids while teaching them the basics of soccer.  His good friends, Brody, Bronco, and Preston (the coach's son) are on the team.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bridger's Reading Gold Medal

Bridger had a goal at the beginning of the school year to get his reading triathlon challenge.  He earned his bronze and his silver and then just in the nick of time, he completed his gold medal requirements.  The librarian presented the award in front of the whole school at the last assembly. He read 15 books from the list, ran 12 miles during the school year, and did another one hour service project.  He planted flowers for Grandma A for Mother's day and then planted some flowers for us.  He worked so hard to earn this award.  He's a great little reader.  He won a gold medal, cool sunglasses, and a fun bag that says "Legacy Triathlon Challenge" on it.  Way to go Bridger!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Boys' Races

On field day every year, they do end of the year races with each grade.  Chase has always done really well in them.  That morning while Bridger was eating breakfast he said " I bet I won't do good in the race because I'm not fast."  I told him to think positive and try his best.  He came home so excited because he took first place in his heat and then first place overall for the first grade!!!  I couldn't believe it.  He had the biggest smile on his face.

Chase did awesome too!  He's a very fast runner.  He took first place in his heat and then fourth place overall out of all the fifth graders.  I was so proud of him!  I told him I wanted to get a picture of him with his ribbons.  He was a goof ball and was pretending like he was running.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tanner 3 Weeks Old

Tanner is three weeks old.  I can't believe how much he is growing.  I had to take a picture of him in his car seat because it shows how much he's grown since we brought him home from the hospital.  Everyone loves to hold Tanner!  He gets lots of loves!

I noticed with Chase and Bridger that they're are hardly any pictures of me holding them.  So I had Chase take this picture of me holding Tanner even though I don't have any makeup on.  I want to remember the simple times.  I love just sitting on the couch snuggling with him!
I love Tanner's face in this picture.  He looks so serious.  He has such a grumpy face.  Tanner loves his binkis that Kip gave him.  It's so sweet to see him holding on to them.  We keep the puppy one downstairs and the giraffe upstairs.  They've been a great gift!

We have pictures of Chase and Bridger in their "dresses" so we had to get one of Tanner in his "dress."  These nightgowns make it so much easier to change them at night.  I love it when Tanner sucks on his little fingers.  It so cute because he acts so surprised that he found them.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Boys' Summer Buzzes

The boys have been pleading with me for the past couple of weeks to buzz their hair.  Normally I make them wait until the second to last day of school. But this year I thought I would do it a little bit earlier so they could have some hair for the baby's blessing.  I did a number 2 but Chase wanted a number one which would mean that you couldn't see any hair so I wouldn't do it.  A number 2 is still plenty short.  When they have buzzes I don't have to worry about doing their hair every morning but I do have to worry about sunblock on their heads!  The boys love their buzzes.  I love the picture of Bridger hugging Chase.  They are best friends!

Bridger's Bear Report

The first graders were doing a big "Animal Zoo."  Each student was in charge of picking an animal and then doing a report on it.  Bridger was the first one in his class to pick.  They were supposed to pick an animal that lived in the forest.  Bridger chose a grizzly bear.  A month ago, Chase had done a report on the grizzly bear, so we used some of that information for Bridger's report.  Bridger had to make a diorama with his animal in it.  We found these awesome bears on amazon.  Then we pulled out some playmobil to make the habitat.  Bridger found a couple of lego fishes.  He put one in the bear's mouth.  He even had a baby cub up in the tree.  Then Marilyn let Bridger borrow a grizzly bear puppet.  When you walked into the "zoo" (the classroom) they had little bags of popcorn to eat.  Then you could go around to each desk and press a red button.  Then the student would tell you a little bit about their animal.  Bridger did a great job on his report! Bridger painted a big grizzly bear to go on their forest wall.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bridger's New Bike

Bridger has always gotten Chase's hand me down bikes.  The chain on his bike kept coming off every time he rode his bike.  I had been looking online but I didn't want to spend $300 on a kids mountain bike.  One night we went to target to return some baby gifts.  We went and looked at their bikes.  I didn't want to get Bridger the same size that he had because I knew he would outgrow it by next year.  So we went up one size and got a mountain bike with gears!!!  It's a little big but Bridger figured out really quickly how to ride the bigger size.  He's very excited to have "gears!"  He's had a little cold so we wouldn't let him hold Tanner for a few days.  In target he said to me "this makes up for me being sad because I could't hold Tanner."  He's very excited about his new bike!!!

Great Friends!

My sweet friends, Jen and Tiff came down to see Tanner.  They brought me lunch.  Kip came over and hung out with us.  It was so fun to spend a few hours with them.  They loved meeting Tanner! It meant so much to me that Jen and Tiff would drive all the way down here to see us and spend the afternoon with us.  I felt very loved!  What great friends!!!

Kirk and Amanda stopped by the next week on their way home from southern Utah.   They wanted to stop by on their way home to see Tanner.  It was so fun to visit with them.  I feel bad that I forgot to take some pictures.  Our friends have been so wonderful to us!  Amber and Wendy have sent me lots of texts, checking on me and the baby.  Everyone is so happy that we finally have a baby!  Jen kept saying "I can't believe we have a baby in the group again!!!!"

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tanner 2 Weeks Old

We took Tanner to the doctor for his two week checkup.  He's growing like a weed!  He's gained almost a pound since his birth.  He's up to 8 lbs, 9.5 oz and 21.25 inches long.  He's such a good eater.  He's eating 2-4 oz at a time.  He doesn't spit up very much.  He's taking the costco formula really well.  It's nice to have a baby that doesn't spit up everything that goes in!  He doesn't even need to wear bibs.  He's such a sweet baby! Luckily he likes to sleep for about 2-3 hours at a time.  

Tanner is so tiny he fits perfectly in my lap.  I just love holding him!!!  The boys love to spend time with Tanner too.

Friday, May 16, 2014

So Worth the Wait!

Stationery Card
View the entire collection of cards.
Hopefully an announcement will be coming in the mail in the next couple of weeks.  So happy to announce our little miracle! When I read the line: "so worth the wait" I thought that sums up how we feel.  We're so grateful he's finally here! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bridger's Top Tooth

Bridger's top tooth has been loose for awhile but it wouldn't come out.  I tried to pull it out and it just wouldn't come, plus Bridger said it hurt too much.  Bridger kept wiggling it and one night he came down and said "mom! I pulled my tooth out!"  I was so proud of him.  He was very brave!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tanner 9 Days Old

Tanner is growing like a weed.  He's 9 days old in these pictures.  I can't believe how his little cheeks are chunking out.  He's such a sweet baby.  He really only cries if his diaper needs to be changed, or he's hungry.  He sleeps for about 2-3 hours at night which is good for a newborn. But he definitely likes to sleep longer during the day.  I'm trying to wake him every 2-3 hours during the day.  He's been so pleasant! I tell Matt that he's like a puppy, I just can't walk past him without touching him or picking him up.  I love to hold him.  There are lots of things I should be doing, but I want to just soak this up so I spend lots of time just holding him.  I love the picture with the little scowl on his face.  He's so serious.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Best Mother's Day Ever!!!

Shantelle came over and stayed with Tanner so I could go to sacrament meeting.  I really wanted to go because it was Chase's last time singing for Mother's day and it was Kyle A's homecoming.  I went into the ugly cry while the boys were singing the Mother's day songs.  I thought of all the Mother's days that I longed for another child and was so heart broken.   I felt such love from my Heavenly Father for his tender mercy in granting us our sweet miracle.  For so long we didn't think that we would be able to add to our family.  I feel such gratitude for Chase, Bridger and sweet little Tanner.  I'm so grateful that Tanner could come to our family!

My mother's day was one of the best I've ever had!  It started off with have a sweet moment early in the morning feeding Tanner.  As I held him in my arms, I just cried.  I'm so thankful he's finally here.  While I was feeding Tanner, Bridger came in with sleepy eyes but he was holding a present.  He was so excited to give me my mother's day gift.  I opened it and it was a note pad that Bridger designed.  He also gave me a flower filled with coupons.  He also gave me a really sweet card about why he loves his mother.  He said that he loves me because "I always tuck him in goodnight, I'm pretty and I make him breakfast."  What a sweet boy!  At the beginning of Kyle's talk he said that he wanted all the boys and young men to listen.  He told the boys the most important thing they could do for their mothers was to hug them everyday and tell their mother that they love them.  If they wanted to make it extra special, they could kiss their mom on the check.  So both boys gave me a kiss on the cheek when we were celebrating.

Chase handed me a wrapped up can that I had to open.  Inside were five coupons!  He said he's willing to "change the baby's diaper, give me a hug, do any chore, play with the dog, and feed the baby."  How awesome are those coupons!!!  I'll definitely be using those!  Chase painted a beautiful picture with water colors.  I love it.  The best part was when Chase leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek!  I love my boys so much.  I told Matt that I didn't want to travel around all day to see our families on Mother's day.  I just wanted to stay at home.  It was an awesome day!  Matt and I took a little nap during the afternoon.  Mom had made us some Hawaiian haystack sauce so I didn't have to worry about fixing something for dinner.  When I went to tuck the boys in bed, Chase got out of bed and gave me a big squeeze and then kissed me on the cheek and said "I love you mom!"  I started to cry!  It was such a sweet moment.  Bridger was on the top bunk and he leaned over the rail and looked at me.  Then he waved his hand at my face and said "how long is this going to last for?"  (meaning my crying).  I then started to laugh.  Oh the emotions after having a baby are crazy!!!  I love Bridger's honesty! When I crawled into bed that night, I felt such love from my family.  What a great day!  It's a Mother's Day that I'll never forget!