Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another party for Bridger

Bridger really wanted to go to Kangaroo zoo for his birthday.  We had so much fun last year that he wanted to do it again.  Since he had already had his "friend" party I told him only family could come.  The kids had so much fun jumping and sliding.  It was nice because it wasn't crowded.  Even Caleb played.  

 After an hour of running around, the kids were "dying" of thirst.  Their faces were so red.  So we bought them slush puppy drinks.  Everyone loved their drinks.  The drinks brought back fond memories of our CH days.  Shantelle had lots of stories to tell.

 Before we went to Kangaroo Zoo, Bridger opened his presents from Marilyn, Grandpa and Grandma R. and the W's.  Marilyn gave him a watch.  It's the cutest watch.  It has lizards on it.  Bridger was very excited to finally have his own watch.  The W's gave him the Playmobil speedboat.  When he opened it he said "I've always wanted this!!!"  It was a big hit.  Then Grandpa and Grandma R gave him the Playmobil western set.  It has good cowboys and bad guys.  What a lucky boy Bridger is.

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