Friday, June 22, 2012

Yeah!!! We made it to Island Park!

Yesterday we left for Island Park. I was impressed that I was out the door a little after 9. But....I had to stop by urgent care because I found out I have a sinus infection with a nasty throat infection.  So by the time I saw the doctor and filled my prescriptions two hours had passed. So unfortunately I didn't make it to the W's until noon. Rob spent the morning up at mom and dad's loading up the trailer. By the time we got the camper loaded and hooked up, it was time for dad to meet us. We ate a quick lunch at Tasty's before we headed out. They have the best donuts!  We met up with dad after a while on the road. Mom stayed behind and went up with Marilyn after her doctor's appointment. They were about 45 minutes behind us.  The kids did such a great job with the long drive. Once we were on the road, we made really good timing. One stopped only one time. I noticed that dad's back trailer tire was occasionally smoking.  We luckily stopped at the Phillips station to fill up with gas one last time. We found out that all the lug nuts on dad's back tire had come off. We couldn't believe that the tire had stayed on. We felt so blessed! Dad left the trailer at the gas station to be repaired. We unloaded the trailer and luckily everything fit. So Mylissa drove one ATV with the girls on the back and I drove the other one with the boys. By the time we made it to the cabin it was about 9:00 and we were freezing! But it was a great way of coming back to the cabin. We were so tired by the time we unloaded everything. We're so happy to be here!

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