Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sling shots and BB gun

Today's been a quiet day. Dad, Mom, and Marilyn went for a 4 wheel ride over to ice house. They took the back trail and on the way over Marilyn shouted to mom "stop! There's a moose." So Mom stopped and sure enough there was a moose. But all of a sudden she took a stance and her ears pointed straight up and she started to charge them. Mom took off as quickly as she could and got way ahead. They caught up with dad and were telling him about it when they looked over into the trees and saw the same moose with a baby moose. She was just protecting her baby. They came home so exited. Bridger kept asking grandma to retell the story. How exciting!

  This afternoon Dad got out the BB gun and some targets. The boys' eyes popped out when Grandpa got the BB gun out. Chase asked Grandpa if he would bring up the BB gun after shooting at the scout camp. The kids took turns shooting at the targets. It was so fun to watch them. Bridger was very serious when he shot the gun. Julie was too scared to try but Maddy turned into Annie Oakley. The kids did a great job of hitting the targets. Marilyn and Mom came out and both hit a target on the first shot. The kids were very impressed. Then Dad got out the sling shots and we practiced hitting the targets with those. It's so nice that the kids can do these "grown up" activities.

Before dinner Mylissa and I biked up Willow Creek canyon. It was a lot easier for Mylissa with a functioning bike. Her gears actually work now. Maddy, Chase, and Bridger rode on the back of Mom and Dad's ATVs. We love going together. It is such a beautiful canyon.

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