Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!  Matt didn't have to be to church until 9:00 but he specifically told me to not make him breakfast.  I teased him and put out his favorite cereal, Cocoa Puffs, next to a bowl.  The boys love to give their dad lots of hugs.  Matt opened up his presents after he finished his delicious breakfast.  Matt opened up a t-shirt and Bridger said "it's a Real shirt." But it wasn't and Matt knew about the Real shirt so we both laughed.  Eventually Matt opened up his Real soccer shirt and he was very excited about it.  The boys have been dying for Matt to open it.  Matt also got a styling bike helmet so now he can be safe when he rides his bike.

After church, Ardel and Charlene and the R family came down for dinner.  We had such a great time celebrating with our families.  After Dad was done opening his presents, Bridger came to me and said "I want a picture with Grandpa."  I love this picture of Dad and Bridger.  Shantelle and Mylissa gave Dad a Real soccer shirt.  Dad was a little surprised but we told him now he can wear it when he goes to his annual game.  Marilyn gave Dad an early birthday present.  It's a little cabin bird feeder.  It's perfect to remind us of our fun times in Island Park.  Mom surprised Dad and gave him a nice camera.  His face was priceless when he opened it.  But hopefully they'll love it for their Africa trip.  Shantelle made the cute "Happy Father's day sign."  She's so creative.  I'm so grateful for the wonderful "fathers" in my life.  I'm grateful for my Dad who is such a hard worker and would do anything for his family.  Matt is a great dad who loves his family so much.  He is such a great dad to the boys.  He does an amazing job of providing for his family.  Ardell is another great example of a wonderful dad.  How lucky the boys and I are to have such wonderful "Dads" in our lives.

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