Monday, June 25, 2012

Willow Creek Canyon

After breakfast, Dad put Bridger and Chase on the back of his ATV and Mom put Maddy on the back of her ATV. Mylissa and I headed out on our bikes so we could meet them on Willow creek canyon. I quickly realized that my bike tire was completely flat so I went back to the cabin to pump it up. Unfortunately it didn't stay pumped up so I switched over to Rob's bike. I met up with Mylissa and Mom and Dad in the canyon. I love that I don't feel like I'm going to die when I bike this canyon. I love the trail. It's shorter and more flat than the other trails. While Mylissa was biking, a deer crossed the road right in front of her. The ATV's were right behind her so they saw it too. The kids were so excited to see a deer and have it be so close. Everyone had a great ride. All though Mylissa's bike is not working. Her gears are not shifting so after our ride, Marilyn and Mylissa went into West Yellowstone to drop her bike off at a repair shop. She took my tire in too. We're hoping they can fix her gears. While they were in West, we just stayed around the cabin and relaxed. That's what I love the most about the cabin...relaxing! The kids were so good to play together. They love to play playmobil and "house" in the camper. Tonight after dinner, I drove the boys out to the "phone booth" so we could call Matt. While I was driving, a coyote or fox ran right across the road. But it was so fast that the boys didnt see it because once it crossed the road you couldn't see it in the bushes. We haven't talk to Matt since Friday so it was good to hear his voice and catch up on things. We've really missed him and can't wait for him to come on Friday.

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