Friday, March 3, 2017

Skiing at SB

The boys had Friday off because it was the end of the trimester.  It was supposed to be our make up snow day, but the state board of education waved it so the kids didn't have to make up their snow days!!  I talked the boys into going skiing for a half a day.  Charlene and Ardell came up to watch Tanner so we could go.  Chase was worried about having enough snow so we went to Snow Basin because they've been dumped on this season.

It was a fantastic day of skiing!!!  The resort was not crowded so we only had to wait a couple of minutes at the most to get on the lifts.  The trails were beautiful and the snow was perfect!!  The boys improve every time we go.  They're developing into great skiers/boarders.

Skiing doesn't get any better than this perfect day!  

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