Monday, March 13, 2017

Basketball Game with Angie and Mikayla

Angie coordinated it with Matt to meet him at one of his Jazz games.  Angie came with her boyfriend John and his two kids and then Mikayla came too.  It was supposed to be Bridger's game with Matt so he sat in the good seat during the first and fourth quarter.  He was very kind and let John's kids sit in the good seat during the second and third quarter.  Angie thought that it was so kind of Bridger that she bought him a basketball.  Bridger was very happy with how the evening turned out. 

 Chase came too but sat in the nose bleed seats with Angie and her gang.  Before the game, everyone met at Crown Burger for dinner and then headed over to the game.  I didn't want to wrestle Tanner during the game (that didn't sound fun for me) so I stayed home with Tanner.  

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