Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Chase's Winter Basketball Season

Chase wrapped up his winter basketball season.  His team played in a Weber County league on Tuesday nights and then in a Layton league almost every Saturday night, plus practices twice a week.  We have been very busy with basketball!!!  Chase enjoyed the season.  He loves to play basketball.  He's been struggling with his shot but towards the end of the season he was improving.  He took more shots!  The second to last game he had a PR and scored 6 points!!  Chase is a great defensive player!  He just understands where he needs to be and understands the game.  

Chase really likes the kids on the team.  His coach Nate did a fun thing this season and had each boy take a turn at being the team captain for the week.  While they were captain, they were in charge of coming up with an activity for the team.  During the high school basketball season, the team captain would choose for the team to go to the game together.  When Chase was captain, the high school basketball season was over so he chose to go to the Pie Dump before school on a Wednesday.  
Easton, Josh, Kace, Reis, Chase and Devon
Coach Nate J, Jace, Chase C, Josh, Easton, Kace, Reis, and Chase

This is the most of the team at a high school basketball game.  The parents joked that the coach, Nate, sitting on the end looked like he was having so much fun.  They're a great group of boys!!!
During half time or any time outs, Tanner and Bridger would run on to the court and practice shooting.
Back row:  Mike, Amy, Matt, Grandpa Richins, Grandma Richins
Front row:  Mikayla, John, Angie, Grandpa and Grandma Adams, Tanner, Aliyah, Lilly, Shantelle and Sammee
With the League in Layton, it made it very convenient for our families to come to the games.  They were wonderful to support Chase!  Chase had lots of cheerleaders.  One weekend I took Shan's girls home for a Friday night sleepover and then she met us at the game and picked up her girls so even Shan came to a game.

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