Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Best Electrician

To save a lot of money, Matt tackled the huge project of doing the majority of the electrical work on the house.  We didn't realize it was going to be such a big project.  We were hoping it would take him a month, but it's going to be closer to a couple of months.  Luckily Layne and Michael have been so kind and have spent hours helping Matt.  Without their help, Matt wouldn't have been able to do this project.  Ardell has also been such a big help.  Matt has spent every waking moment working at the house (when he's not at work).  I'm so impressed with what an amazing job he's done on the electrical work.  Matt also installed the central vacuum tubing.  Kirk came up a couple of times and helped Matt install it.  Matt couldn't have done it without Kirk's help!  Our friends have been wonderful to help Matt!.

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