Saturday, May 16, 2015

Packing Up!

Packing up!  The move is seeming more like a reality because we're packing up the house.  On Matt's weeks off we're packing machines.  Ardell and Charlene have come down a lot to help us.  I was very overwhelmed with the basement and the garage but Matt was wonderful to tackle both of those.  I was in charge of the playmobil.  Packing up all the playmobil made me realize I'm addicted to it.  We have boxes and boxes of it!!!!!  But after a few days, I finally got it all packed up.  Matt packed up the rest of the basement and garage in one week.  We borrowed the T's trailer and loaded it up and took up a couple of loads.  It was a busy week but we got a lot done.

Tanner was a lot of help packing.  He wanted to climb in all the boxes and then stand and climb on them once they were packed.

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