Friday, May 29, 2015

Bridger's Early Birthday Party

Bridger kept saying that he wouldn't be able to have a birthday party in August because he wouldn't have any friends at his new home.  So we crammed in a little birthday party for Bridger before we moved.  I had him invite only his closest friends which are Brody, Bronco and Isaac but unfortunately Isaac got the flu that day so he couldn't come.  Chase invited Easton so he could have a friend to play with too.  Brody gave Bridger a WWE wrestling figure.  He was so happy because he loves to play with Brody's.  Brody also made Bridger a fleece baseball blanket so he would always remember their friendship.  It was so sweet.  (Five months later, Bridger still sleeps with the blanket every night.) Bronco gave Bridger a cool lego figure and then Easton gave him a huge frisbee.

Bridger wanted to go to HT for his party (just like Chase).  I love it because I don't have to entertain kids and the kids jump around someplace other than my house!  The boys jumped and played for a couple of hours.

Before we went to the jumping place, we had cupcakes.  Bridger wanted baseball cupcakes so luckily Michelle told me how to make some easy ones.  As you can see from the pictures, Tanner loves cake!
Bridger was very happy with his early birthday party!!

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