Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bridger's Soccer Season

 Bridger has had a great soccer season.  It's the same team that he played on in the fall.  Coach Ryan has been his coach for the last three years and he has been wonderful!  He's taught the kids so much.  His friends Brody and Bronco are still on the team.  Most of the kids on the team go to his school.  This year, Coach has been focusing on playing positions.  The team is still called "The Refs."  Coach holds practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays with games on Saturdays.  It's been a busy spring with soccer and baseball.

 Bridger's soccer team "The Refs."  Back row:  Calvin, Brody, Kyson, Bridger, Ben, Coach Ryan O. Front row:  David, Bronco, Preston O, Preston, and Sam.

 The second to last game, Bridger scored two goals!!!!  He's a great defensive and offensive player.  He's super fast too!
 After a long day of soccer, Bridger crashed on the couch.  I ended up giving him a piggyback up to bed because he's just too heavy for me to carry in my arms.

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