Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bridger's Awards

Bridger came home from school with this sweet note from his teacher.  It made him feel so good!  He does such a great job at following the rules and trying to be a good student.

All year, Bridger was been working on the reading triathlon challenge at school.  He's been determined to get this award.  Twice a week in the fall and spring the PTA does a running club.  Bridger worked so hard running and ran over 12 miles.  He had to read 20 books and do 3, 1 hour service projects.  He earned his bronze, silver and gold medals in the reading triathlon challenge.  The school had a big assembly at the end of the school year and Bridger was in a small group of kids that earned their gold medal.  I'm so proud of him!
Bridger's Gold Medal Reading Triathlon Certificate

Bridger's teacher submitted him for the Student of the Week award.  She said that Bridger is kind to everyone around him, he does a great job of staying on task and helping others around him, and what a great kid he is!!!

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