Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bridger's Rain Gutter Regatta

Luckily Matt had a week off before the Rain Gutter Regatta so Matt and Bridger worked on Bridger's boat.  Bridger worked so hard filing down the wood.  He wanted to paint his boat red and then write his baseball team name on the sail.  We had no idea how Bridger's boat was going to do.  We were pleasantly surprised when Bridger kept winning the races and eventually won the entire race!!!  He beat out all the other boats. There were a few close races but in the end Bridger's boat took first place overall!!!!  He had the biggest smile on his face!!  As soon as Bridger got home, he called Matt to tell him the great news.  Matt was surprised but so happy for Bridger.  What a great night!!

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