Friday, May 29, 2015

Bridger's Early Birthday Party

Bridger kept saying that he wouldn't be able to have a birthday party in August because he wouldn't have any friends at his new home.  So we crammed in a little birthday party for Bridger before we moved.  I had him invite only his closest friends which are Brody, Bronco and Isaac but unfortunately Isaac got the flu that day so he couldn't come.  Chase invited Easton so he could have a friend to play with too.  Brody gave Bridger a WWE wrestling figure.  He was so happy because he loves to play with Brody's.  Brody also made Bridger a fleece baseball blanket so he would always remember their friendship.  It was so sweet.  (Five months later, Bridger still sleeps with the blanket every night.) Bronco gave Bridger a cool lego figure and then Easton gave him a huge frisbee.

Bridger wanted to go to HT for his party (just like Chase).  I love it because I don't have to entertain kids and the kids jump around someplace other than my house!  The boys jumped and played for a couple of hours.

Before we went to the jumping place, we had cupcakes.  Bridger wanted baseball cupcakes so luckily Michelle told me how to make some easy ones.  As you can see from the pictures, Tanner loves cake!
Bridger was very happy with his early birthday party!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chase's 6th Grade Graduation

Chase, Mitchell and Brenden
Chase's school put on a graduation for the sixth graders. They brought in a speaker that was good for the first 20 minutes but then talked for another 25 minutes!!!! It was a little long but I was trying to wrestle with Tanner. Chase was chosen to help with a part of the talk.  He wore this really big balloon hat.

Luckily Tanner fell asleep during the last 20 minutes of the program so I got to enjoy a little bit of it.

Happy 6th grade graduation Chase!!!!  Way to go!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Matt was on-call Memorial day so he was stuck up in T.  I really wanted to go to the fire station breakfast one last time.  This time I bought tickets ahead of time so we didn't have to wait in a super long line.  We went around 8:15 so it wasn't super busy.  We enjoyed our pancakes, ham, egg and hash browns.  We've had a lot of good memories at the fire house breakfast.  Unfortunately Shan and Robby didn't want to come this year so it was just me and the boys.

The boys had fun doing the "crash test."  Bridger said hi to Sparky, the firehouse dog.

After breakfast, we went over to the little pond and took Sophie for a swim.  I didn't realize it would be coney island but we were able to find a little secluded spot for Sophie and the boys to play in.  Sophie loves to go swimming!!!  The boys had fun splashing around in the water too.  Chase invited Easton to come with us.  We're trying to get as much friend time in as possible before we move.

Tanner and I hung out up on the shore line away from Sophie so she couldn't get us wet.  Tanner was so good to stay in his stroller and watch the boys and Sophie play.  By the end, Tanner wanted to get out and run around.  So I let him and all he wanted to do was play in the rocks and throw them.  He loves rocks!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bridger's Soccer Season

 Bridger has had a great soccer season.  It's the same team that he played on in the fall.  Coach Ryan has been his coach for the last three years and he has been wonderful!  He's taught the kids so much.  His friends Brody and Bronco are still on the team.  Most of the kids on the team go to his school.  This year, Coach has been focusing on playing positions.  The team is still called "The Refs."  Coach holds practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays with games on Saturdays.  It's been a busy spring with soccer and baseball.

 Bridger's soccer team "The Refs."  Back row:  Calvin, Brody, Kyson, Bridger, Ben, Coach Ryan O. Front row:  David, Bronco, Preston O, Preston, and Sam.

 The second to last game, Bridger scored two goals!!!!  He's a great defensive and offensive player.  He's super fast too!
 After a long day of soccer, Bridger crashed on the couch.  I ended up giving him a piggyback up to bed because he's just too heavy for me to carry in my arms.

Friday, May 22, 2015

P Temple Open House

Mom, Dad, and Marilyn were planning on coming down to help me pack.  But then I heard how awesome the P temple open house was.  So I changed our plans and told them the packing could wait.  We went to the P temple open house and it was as wonderful as everyone said.  I'm so glad we made time to go.  The temple was beautiful!!!!  I pulled the boys out of school a little early so it wasn't very busy.  They were able to fit us in without tickets.  Tanner was as good as a one year old can be.  It's nice to have Mom and Marilyn's help.  Luckily it started to rain just as we were leaving.  

Chase's Award

Chase was given the President's Education Award which means he received all A's throughout the school year.  Plus his teacher, Mrs. W recommended Chase to receive this award because of his outstanding performance in school.  Chase is an excellent student!  We're so proud of Chase and how hard he works in school.  Good job Chase!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bridger's Awards

Bridger came home from school with this sweet note from his teacher.  It made him feel so good!  He does such a great job at following the rules and trying to be a good student.

All year, Bridger was been working on the reading triathlon challenge at school.  He's been determined to get this award.  Twice a week in the fall and spring the PTA does a running club.  Bridger worked so hard running and ran over 12 miles.  He had to read 20 books and do 3, 1 hour service projects.  He earned his bronze, silver and gold medals in the reading triathlon challenge.  The school had a big assembly at the end of the school year and Bridger was in a small group of kids that earned their gold medal.  I'm so proud of him!
Bridger's Gold Medal Reading Triathlon Certificate

Bridger's teacher submitted him for the Student of the Week award.  She said that Bridger is kind to everyone around him, he does a great job of staying on task and helping others around him, and what a great kid he is!!!

Bridger's Rain Gutter Regatta

Luckily Matt had a week off before the Rain Gutter Regatta so Matt and Bridger worked on Bridger's boat.  Bridger worked so hard filing down the wood.  He wanted to paint his boat red and then write his baseball team name on the sail.  We had no idea how Bridger's boat was going to do.  We were pleasantly surprised when Bridger kept winning the races and eventually won the entire race!!!  He beat out all the other boats. There were a few close races but in the end Bridger's boat took first place overall!!!!  He had the biggest smile on his face!!  As soon as Bridger got home, he called Matt to tell him the great news.  Matt was surprised but so happy for Bridger.  What a great night!!