Friday, August 15, 2014

Swimming Fun

The summer has flown by!  We couldn't believe that we were on our last week of summer.  We tried to jam a lot into our last week.  One of the things the boys wanted to do was go swimming at the rec center.  Bridger invited his friend Brody to come with us.  Brody is such a sweet little friend.  We love it when he comes along.  Chase tried to invite a friend but no one was home.  Shantelle and the girls joined us for the fun too.  Sweet Mom and Dad wanted to spend some time with us so they came and watched the kids swim.  

Aliyah was so brave.  She went on the water slide a couple of times with Shan.  I loved watching them come out because they get dunked but they have big smiles when their heads pop up.

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