Friday, August 1, 2014

Chase at CC Camp

Jolene and Sam, Chase, Kim and Easton - Chase leaving for CC camp
In the spring, I registered Chase to go to CC camp.  Luckily, his friends Easton and Sam C registered to go the same week so he wouldn't be alone.  Chase still had to make new friends because they weren't in his group.  Chase left Monday morning and came home Friday afternoon.  It's the longest Chase has ever been away from home so it was an adjustment for me.  He had a great time.   They went on field trips, lots of hikes, made traps for little animals, played games, and sang lots of songs around the camp fire.  It rained the first couple of days but then it cleared up and they had great weather.  Chase liked everything but the food.  He said it tasted like school food.  Maybe it will make him grateful for my cooking.  

This is a picture of Chase after he got off the bus.  I was so happy to wrap my arms around him and give him a big hug.  We have missed him so much this week!!

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