Sunday, August 17, 2014

Matt is Released!

After five years of serving as the bishop, Matt was released.  The sweet McBeth family in our ward brought over this candy graham to say thanks.  There were times when I felt like it crept by and I felt like it was never going to end.  But then other times when I felt like it's been a blink of an eye.  I'm grateful that Matt was released.  I was very ready to have him home with our family.  His new job has been very busy so by the time he comes home from work and then goes to church meetings we just don't see him that often.  I'm grateful for the service we've been able to give.  I know we've both grown a lot!!!  It's been a big sacrifice.  Matt has really enjoyed getting to know the people in the ward.  His favorite part was service with the youth.  He has loved the youth!!!

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