Monday, August 4, 2014

Bridger's Family Birthday Party

For Bridger's birthday, we wanted to go swimming at the L pool.  Mom and Dad were on their Ireland trip.  Mylissa was planning on coming down around 12 but she got the flu.  At first we were worried that we would have to postpone the party but then sweet Marilyn said she would bring Mylissa's kids down so we could still party.  Shan came over once Marilyn and the kids got here.  We ate some lunch and then headed over to the pool.  The kids had such a fun time swimming together.  Bridger loved the water slide and the waterfalls.  I remember a time when he was too scared to go on the water slide.  Now you can't keep him off the water slide.  Even though Maddy and Chase are getting so grown up, they are still so sweet to play with the younger kids.

The kids swam for two and a half hours.  They were little fishes.  Even Lily played in the water that long.  After swimming, we went back to our house and ate pizza and opened a couple of presents.  Bridger was so happy with his family party.  

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