Saturday, June 18, 2011

We're finally at the cabin

We’re so excited to be back at the cabin. Mom helped the boys make count down chains so every day Bridger would wake up and say “Are we going to the cabin today?” So we would take a chain off and count how many days were left. I told Chase that we couldn’t pack for the cabin until school got out. So the first Monday after school was out, Chase woke me up at 7:30 in the morning asking me what he could pack. So we’re finally here (June 17). Mylissa and Rob have been doing some remodeling and can’t come up until Tuesday. So Maddy and Julie came in the van with us. Marilyn also drove with us. Matt pulled the trailer with his truck. We stopped at Tasty Donuts and ate lunch before we left. That worked out great because we were able to drive all the way without stopping for food. Of course we stopped for a couple of potty breaks. About every 10-15 minutes Bridger would ask “how much longer?” But other than that the kids were so good in the car. We pulled up to the cabin around 6:30. Julie yelled, “There it is! I see the cabin.” The kids have just walked around saying how glad they are that we’re here and how much they love the cabin. We couldn’t believe how much left over snow was still on the side of the road and up in the mountains. We’ve never seen it like this. Normally when we drive into Island Park we see lots of flowers. But this year there is not one flower. It’s crazy how cold this spring has been. We were able to get everything unloaded within the hour. The kids were amazing helpers. It went so much faster with their help. After dinner we were all exhausted so everyone was in bed by 10:00.
Saturday morning, June 18, Chase woke up at 5:30. He said that he was just so excited to be at the cabin. Luckily he stayed in his bed and read for an hour. Dad and Matt went to West Yellowstone to look for a new thermostat regulator for the camper. We thought that it was fixed but it’s not. Luckily Matt was able to find a new part and it works! So now we can have heat in the camper. Last night the thermostat was as low as it can go. It said it was 48 degrees inside the camper. It was nice to have a quiet morning.
This afternoon, I wanted to go for a bike ride up willow creek canyon. So Dad and Mom put the kids on the back of the four wheelers and Marilyn followed in the car. There was a lot of snow at the end of the trail. Grandpa started a snowball fight. The kids loved it! They had so much fun playing in the snow. On our way home, the dark clouds burst and it started to rain and then it turned to hail. Just when I was ready to pull over and hop in the car with Marilyn, it stopped. So I enjoyed the rest of the ride home. It feels so good to be back here.
It rained all night long. I love the sound the rain makes on the roof. Tonight we had a fun time playing Rock Band and Snorta. Everyone has just laughed and laughed. It’s so funny to see the kids, especially Bridger, singing the Beatles. I love playing games together.

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