Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Accidents Happen

This morning we headed out the door around 9:45 to go to Yellowstone. We were coming around an s shaped corner when I noticed that Matt was drifting into the other lane and there was a truck coming around a corner towards us. I looked over at Matt and noticed that he was looking out his window and wasn’t aware that we had drifted. I yelled his name but it was too late. We hit the back end on the truck. Matt didn’t even know what he had hit. It all happened so fast. All of our air bags deployed. Luckily, our car just slid forward until our car stopped. We were so lucky that our car didn’t roll. When the car stopped, we were all in a daze. We made sure that everyone was all right. Then we got everyone out of the car. Maddy and Chase were in the back, and Julie and Bridger were in the captain chairs. Everyone had to climb out the front passenger door. Once we were outside, I tried to get ahold of Mom on the walkie-talkie but no one answered. Matt looked behind us and could see that the truck had rolled and was on its side. So Matt ran over to make sure they were ok. There was a grandpa and a grandson in the truck and their 6-week-old puppy. Luckily, they just had some scrapes on them but no major injuries.
I walked just a few steps away from the accident and my phone service became available. I called Mom and Dad and told them that they needed to come back. Another car by now stopped and called 911. It took the police about 20 minutes to come. There were two policemen that helped. We couldn’t believe how nice everyone was. The Grandpa and grandson were so understanding. Marilyn and Mom took all the kids back to the cabin and then Mom came back to pick us up and take everything out of our car. We just feel so grateful that no one was hurt and we all walked away. When we think about what could have happened, we feel so blessed and protected. We know the Lord was watching over us. We have so much to be thankful for!
We spent the rest of the day just hanging around the cabin. The kids were a little shaken up so it was nice to keep things quiet. We put the movie “Despicable Me” on for the kids after dinner. They were so excited to have a movie night. While they were watching the movie, Dad followed me on the four-wheeler while I went for a bike ride up Willow Creek Canyon. We didn’t see any animals but it was a beautiful night. It was so peaceful. It felt so good to clear my head.

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