Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fall Break in BL

Kaye and Allan invited us to use their cabin over fall break.  Mom, Dad and Marilyn, The W's and the C's came.  It was a little tight but we piled on top of each other soaked up our time together.  We have so much fun being together.  On Friday, we went for a hike.  It ended up being really muddy and snowy and icy so we couldn't hike very far.  But we still had a great time.
Maddie and Chase were picking out their choices for HEFY.  They spent hours online looking at the different choices.  They got their hopes up but unfortunately when we came home and tried to register, their choices were all filled up.  They were so disappointed.  They had it all planned out.
I love this picture of the kids squished together on the couch.  They play so well together.  It's so fun to be together and make such great memories.

On Friday around 11:00, we went for a hike.  The weather was so beautiful!  The lake was so blue!  Most of the leaves had fallen but there were a few left that brighten things up.  Because we didn't get to hike very much, we decided to walk home.  Unfortunately the wasps have been really bad and Tanner and Caleb both got stung by some wasps.  Caleb got stung 3 times!

I've been able to get in a couple of bike rides.  My bike rides are the best therapy.  Sunshine for the soul!  When I'm having a bad day, I think about biking in BL and IP.
On Saturday afternoon, we took the kids down to the town park and let them play.  It's so fun to watch them run around and just play together.

The kids really wanted to go "dip" their feet in the lake.  Even though it was cold, the kids splashed around in the water.  Some of the kids were crazy enough to be in their swimming suits and got all the way in the water.  I didn't think Tanner would want to get wet but he did.  So I ended up taking everything off except his underwear.  He loved playing with the big kids.  The kids were frozen by the time they got out! But they had big smiles on their faces.

On our last night, we let the kids sleep together on the floor upstairs in the big room.  Look at those big smiles.  We're so grateful to Allan and Kaye and their generosity in letting us come to their cabin. There is something so relaxing and rejuvenating about the cabin.  We love our time there!  We love being together as a family.

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