Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A New Cat

While we were working in the yard, we found this little cat hiding in the neighbors bushes.  He started meowing to us.  We'd meow back and then eventually he came out to see us.  I couldn't believe how skinny this poor little cat was!  You could see almost every bone in his body.  You could feel his ribs.  He was a super nice kitty and would let you pick him up and hold him and pet him.  When we put him down by the food, he ate and ate and ate!  We put some food outside for a couple of weeks but eventually Matt softened and said he could come in the garage too.  Lizzy does not like him!  She hisses at him any time he comes near her.  He's a very talkative cat.  I've never been around a cat that meows so much and meows back to you.  Matt posted on facebook that we found this cat but no one ever claimed him so it looks like he's our.  We called him Rufus for a couple of weeks but Matt said he didn't like that name.  So then we came up with Grayson but call him Graybe because Tanner, Bridger and Matt call Sophie Shaybe.  So Chase calls him Rufus and the rest of us call him Graybe.  Sometimes I call him both.  Chase pretends that he doesn't like him but you'll catch him petting him.  He's a really sweet cat with the prettiest green eyes.  His fur is super soft.

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