Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bridger's Soccer Team Captain

Bridger's had a couple of kids on his soccer team be mean to him.  One of the kids was walking behind Bridger at school and said "raise your hand if you belong to the I hate Bridger club."  Sweet Bridger didn't even acknowledge him and just kept walking.  (I wanted him to turn around and punch the daylights out of him.) His soccer team has had some issues with the kids getting along.  Bridger was been fighting back a little.  So the two coaches decided that they wanted the kids to vote for a team captain at each game to lead the kids.  Bridger was voted to be the first captain!!!!  I thought it was sweet revenge to that punk kid!  When they posted the results, Matt said "look who belongs to the I hate Bridger club now!"  I'm so proud of Bridger for rising above it and not punching the kids lights out.

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