Friday, October 12, 2018

Chase's Wisdom Teeth

Chase's wisdom teeth have started to come through.  We were hoping to take them out during the summer but one of his wisdom teeth was coming in slanted.  It was causing "pericoronitis" which means the wisdom tooth is partially erupted but the other section of it can't break through the gum line because of the slant.  Infection builds up under the gum where it can't break through.  Chase was in a lot of pain with it.  It hurt him to eat.  I took him in to our awesome dentist.  He felt like they would be easy to remove and he could take them out the next week.  So we went ahead with it.  That morning, Chase had to take a "relaxer" 30 minutes before.  I was upstairs getting ready.  When I was ready to go with Tanner, I called down to Chase a couple of times.  I didn't hear a response.  I got a little bugged but then I remember that he'd taken the medication.  I went downstairs to the exercise room and Chase was on the floor next to the bean bag.  He was so drugged he couldn't stand up by himself and his speech was slurred.  I had to help him up and help him walk to the car.  He was really goofy!  Dr. G only does wisdom teeth on Fridays.  He does conscious sedation with it and doesn't have any other patients during that time.  They had a continuous pulse oximeter on him that also showed his heart rate and they were checking his blood pressure every 5 minutes so that made me feel better.  (I had mine taken out at an oral surgeons office).  Everything went really well!  Dr. G had to give Chase some fentanyl to help sedate him because Chase kept trying to hit away Dr G's hands.  Chase was a little slow to wake up because of the fentanyl.   The procedure took about an hour.  I talked to Dr G's cute wife the whole time and got caught up with her.  I love their family!  Dr. G kept asking Chase who his girlfriend is.  But Chase wouldn't say anything!

When I got Chase home, I had him sleep in my bed so I could keep an eye on him.  A couple of hours later he woke up in a panic.  He looked at the clock and said "Mom! We've missed by appointment!  We forgot to go get my teeth out!"  I told him that it was all done.  At first he didn't believe me but then I finally convinced him.  He was cracking me up!  He slept a lot the first day and lived on smoothies and pace popsicles for several days.  He went back to school on Wednesday to get caught up on his homework so he could work on everything during fall break.  His teachers were great to work with the situation.

A couple of days after the procedure, I went downstairs to check on Chase and found him and Tanner asleep in the bean bags.  Chase didn't eat solid food for almost a week.  He didn't even like to eat ramen because he said it hurt to move his jaw.  So smoothies, milkshakes and popsicles were his main thing for about 5 days.  Chase was so tough!  He didn't like how the heavy pain medicine made him feel so he stuck with Tylenol and ibuprofen.  He rotated with the heating pad and ice packs on his face.  He didn't get too swollen in his face.  I'm so glad it's done!

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