Friday, October 5, 2018

Chase's Driving Permit

Chase didn't take the driver's ed test very seriously the first couple of times that he took it.  He thought that he would be able to go in and pass.  Well, it turned out a lot harder than he thought.  (He always missed it by 1-2 points) There were a lot of trick questions on it plus he learned that he needed to study a little bit.  He studied a little bit and felt like he was ready to try again.  Unfortunately he missed it by 2 points!!!  He didn't have enough time to take it again so we had to come back again for a fourth try and pay more money and take it again.  I asked the lady what he could do to pass.  She gave us a different website to try that had more applicable questions on it.  It ended up that the fourth time was the charm and he passed!!!  It's required to have your learners permit for 6 months so he'll be able to get his driver's license a few days after his birthday.  There are times when it's a little scary with Chase driving.  But each time he drives, he improves.  I'm actually really looking forward to having another driver!!!

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