Thursday, February 2, 2017

Bridger's New Boots

Bridger has been begging me for "Bogs" boots.  He's outgrown his winter boots so I looked into Bogs.  My eyes popped out at the price and at first I said "you're not getting these because they're too expensive."  After thinking about it for a couple of days, I realized that I've never bought Bridger nice boots.  He's either had hand me downs or a cheap store's winter boots that aren't warm and waterproof.  Bridger kept complaining of having wet feet during the school day because of recess.  So I finally gave in and ordered him the boots.  He was ecstatic with his new boots!!! He picked out a camouflage design.  They're a higher boot, completely waterproof and they're supposed to keep your feet warm up to -40*.  He's been so happy with his boots!  He comes home from school and tells me that his feet stayed dry all day.  

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