Saturday, February 4, 2017

More Framing!

It's been a brutal winter.  Some residents say this is the worst winter we've ever had up here.  Because of all of the snow and the cold temperatures, it has caused some major delays in the framing.  Matt has spent hours shoveling the snow out of our house trying to preserve the floors.  This is a view of the back of the house.
The love the deck.  I can't wait to sit on the deck and enjoy my view and the quietness.
The house is slowly coming along.  The roof has taken forever!  It seems like there's been one delay after another.
This is the south east side of our house.  The master bedroom is in the back corner.  The window in the middle is a bathroom window.
It's been so fun to see the house take shape.  We've looked at it for so long on paper that it's fun to finally see it become a reality.  Colby and his crew are doing a great job framing.  They're really thorough.

From the front door, you can see the family room windows.  
Matt's been trying to snow blow all of the snow out of the house to preserve the floor.  After shoveling the sports court, there was almost enough snow for it to touch the back porch.

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