Thursday, January 26, 2017

Working on our Roof

I got called into work and Matt was out at the house.  So I put Tanner in his snow suit and bundled him up.  As I pulled away, I had to stop and capture the moment because it was so sweet of Matt holding Tanner's hand as they walked towards the house.
We've had a few complications with the roof.  The lumber company built some of the trusses wrong (the deck and the middle).  So we had to wait a couple of days to get the new ones out.  Then Colby fixed some of the other ones that were wrong.  It has continued to snow so the weather is making it very difficult for them to do the roof because of the snow and ice!  Plus our roof is huge so it's taking forever!  

It's sure fun to go out to the house every day and look at the progress.  They're working so hard and in very cold conditions!!!  A couple of days they weren't able to work because it was so cold.  Their nail guns froze because it was too cold.

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