Saturday, January 21, 2017

Happy Little Guy!

The other day I was downstairs and I realized it was too quiet.  So I went looking for Tanner and I found him in my bathtub!!!  It scared me so bad because he could have drowned. He put the plug in the bathtub, turned on the water and filled the tub up.  Took off all of his clothes and was splashing around.  I walked in with a horrified look on my face and he looked up with the biggest smile on his face.  He was happy as can be splashing around in my big bath tub.  We had a long talk about not taking baths without mommy's help.  Then I hid the plug.

After one of Bridger's basketball games, we went and got donuts.  We picked out maple bars for everyone.  Tanner was so happy with his ginormous donut.
Bridger played legos with Tanner and they built this tall tower.  Tanner kept running into the kitchen and saying "come see my tower!"  He was so happy playing with Bridger.
Tanner loves Sophie!  Sophie will jump up on my bed so then Tanner climbs up and has to lay right next to Sophie.  Then he'll put my blanket over him and Sophie.  The other day he walked past Sophie and patted her and said "your it! Luckily Sophie is so patient with him.
Tanner ate a chocolate cupcake and was loving every minute of it!  He had chocolate everywhere!  But I love the big smile on his face!   

Tanner fell asleep in his car seat and I thought he looked so cute I had to capture the moment.  I love his pouty lips and his long eye lashes.  He looks so sweet when he's recharging!

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