Friday, April 1, 2016

Boy's Spring Art Projects

During second trimester, Chase took an art class.  I never saw any projects until the end of the semester and then he brought home some amazing artwork! The Golden State art project was made out of rice.  Chase printed off an image on the computer (Golden State Warriors symbol) and then drew it on a board.  Then filled it it with colored rice.  It turned out really cool!  He's done a lot of other fun projects.  He's really enjoyed his art class.

Bridger had to blank piece of paper with lots of blank squares on it.  He had to fill the paper with adjectives that describe him.  I love the words he chose to describe himself.  I smile every time I look at it.
Bridger's done some really fun art projects this spring.  They've been learning about the presidents of the United States.  The profile picture is of George Washington.  

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