Thursday, March 31, 2016

Let the Baseball Season Begin!

Spring is officially here because Bridger's baseball season has begun.  Luckily, we were able to find a baseball team for Bridger.  Coach Corey was starting up a new team and he let Bridger be on it.  It's a team that doesn't have a lot of experience but a lot of potential so eventually it will come together.  We're super excited because it's a group of really nice boys and they get along really well.  It's a combination of 2nd and 3rd graders.  There's three coaches, Coach Corey, Wes, and Jody.  They're awesome men who are great with the boys.  I couldn't be more pleased with the coaches.  They want the boys to get experience playing all of the positions which I really like.  We've had Bridger taking some baseball classes during the winter and spring but he still needs a little extra so we have him and his friend Bracken taking a few private lessons with Coach Josh.  (He's a guy in our neighborhood that eats, sleeps and dream baseball)  He's really great at baseball and has really helped Bridger!  Bridger is getting more confidence at hitting the ball.  At the first of the season, he was really struggling with hitting and looked scared to death.  But Josh has really helped him and most of the time he's getting hits!

I love this sweet picture of Bridger and Tanner.  I thought it was so sweet how Bridger knelt down so he could be right next to Tanner.  While I was getting things ready to go, Tanner found one of Bridger's baseball hats and came into the room wearing it backwards and holding a ball.  He was all ready to go.  It cracked me up!!!  He's such hoot!

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