Thursday, March 24, 2016

Provo Temple

After Eli's wedding, we headed down to the P temple open house.  It was the final week for the open house and we really wanted to see the temple.  We heard so many wonderful things about it so we made the extra effort to go to it.  Luckily they allowed us in without tickets and the best part was that it wasn't busy and we didn't have to wait in line.  (Some people waited 3 hours!)  The inside is absolutely beautiful!  They've done an amazing job of keeping the authenticity.  We were really happy that we got to see the temple.
When we were walking back to the car, Bridger stopped on the side with Tanner and said "mom! Take a picture of us!"  I love how he stops and cherishes the moment.  After the temple we headed back to AF and met Robby and Shan for a quick dinner.  Then we went to Eli and Rachel's reception. We were really glad we could support Eli and Kip.  

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