Saturday, April 30, 2016

Scout Campout

Chase and Matt went on a camping trip with the scouts in our ward.  Normally it's just the deacons that go but this time the teachers were invited because they're working on their hiking merit badge.  They camped at Devil's Playground which was about an hour away from here.  They loved climbing and jumping on the big rocks.  I think the boys hiked 10 miles but Matt said it was a boring hike because it was along a dirt road.  Matt hiked about 5 miles of it but then they needed him to follow along in his truck so he and Jason T were happy to help with that.  I'm grateful that Chase has such great leaders!  I'm also grateful that Matt gets to spend some of this "church" time with Chase.  Chase has done an amazing job of making friends in this ward.   Unfortunately it rained on them a little bit.  It seems like every campout Chase and Matt go on, it rains on them.

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