Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tanner's First Hair Cut

Tanner's hair is getting out of control.  When he gets out of the bathtub or when it's humid, his curls are so cute.  But the rest of the time he looks like a rag-a-muffin.  It's all fuzzy and ratted.  Plus he's getting called a girl at least once a week.  So I made an appointment for Tanner to get his hair cut by the sweet gal that cuts mine.  I made the appointment so everyone could come and watch.

Nicki did a great job cutting Tanner's hair.  At first, Tanner wouldn't sit in the chair all alone so Tanner sat on Chase's lap.  Nicki started with the clippers and it scared Tanner and he started to cry.  So I immediately got out some fruit snacks and it made everything better.  Tanner cheered right up and was perfectly content as long as the fruit snacks kept coming.  He went through two packs but it was worth it because he was great during his hair cut.

Tanner's curls are all gone and his hair is very short but he looks so handsome.  His baby look is all gone and he looks like my little man.  

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