Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Fun with Buddy

We've had a great time with Buddy but it's time for him to go back home with Santa.  Bridger wrote a sweet note to Buddy telling him goodbye.  I love the picture of Bridger with Buddy on his shoulder.

Luckily Buddy behaves himself while he's with us.  He turned our picture display into a zipline.  He's quite the laddies man because one morning we found him reading Polar Express with my dolls.  He also likes to talk on the phone.  Bridger thinks he was calling Santa.  Thanks for being a good elf Buddy!  We love having you visit us.  It's nice because if the boys are ignoring me and not doing something I've asked them to do, all I do is say something to Buddy and then Bridger is very quick to jump up and help.

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