Thursday, October 2, 2014

Art Projects

 Chase has been learning about Greek mythology.  He had to build the parthenon.  So we glued the giant marshmallows together and then he painted it.  Looks good!
 At parent teacher conferences, the boys showed us their artwork.  Bridger has been learning about adjectives in school.  They had to draw themselves and then write some adjectives about themselves.  Bridger wrote that he is:  eight, orange, handsome, funny, helpful, nice, happy and strong.  I love his spiky orange hair!
Chase has been learning about perspectives in art.  He chose to draw three objects and then make them look dimensional.  He did a great job!  He is really developing his art skills.  At parent teacher conferences, both of their teachers just raved about them.  They are such good boys!  They work hard in school and are nice to everyone.
Bridger drew our family on the doodle pad.  I love how Matt is holding Tanner above Bridger's head. After he drew it, he came up to me and said "take a picture mom."  Life is not just about the big moments.  It's the little moments in life I want to remember.  

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